Jewish Heritage Europe

Jewish spaces, German obligation, World Heritage?

3 comments on “Jewish spaces, German obligation, World Heritage?

  1. This beautifully written piece by Susanne Urban brings the stories of the stone witnesses to life again. This place of such important history deserves UNESCO’s recognition for its “outstanding universal value.” We must remember and treasure such unique places on our earth with the spirit of our past they bring forward.

  2. Dear Ben Franken,

    the comment is very kind. My opinion is only one and I think that debates are important to interprete and root Jewish Heritage in the future. By the way, and this is for all readers: the ShUM-Cities Association Website in English and German will be online from the 7th of June on!

  3. Jewish spaces in history :
    The essay by Susanne Urban highlights concise a long long history .Really enjoying the last sentence !
    ‘T will never be the same ….

    Not that long ago I read an article :Geschichte von Gedeih und Verderben ,Das Frankfurter Museum Judengasse erzählt von jüdischem Leben in der Stadt-und von,seiner Auslöschung[NZZ,Internationale Ausgabe ,02.05,2016].

    Thanks ,many thanks for another perception .
    Sincerely yours ,
    Ben Franken


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